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A New Step in Discrediting Human Rights Activities

So, the next step in the promotion of "human rights issues in North Korea" has been taken. On November 18, 2014, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly recommended that the UN Security Council refer the matter on the situation in North Korea to...

Konstantin Asmolov

Pakistan and the post-2014 Afghan Scenario

The post-2014 Afghan scenario is the project of two interrelated trends: reduced attention to Afghanistan by world powers, and as a consequence, its transition into a regional channel. The vacuum formed after the withdrawal of the main US/NATO coalition forces...

Natalya Zamarayeva

ISIL: The Story of the Middle Eastern Conquest

One of the most troubling questions today is how the ISIS emerged and expanded in so fast a manner as to defy a clear understanding to those who have been and still are trying to make sense of it? The sudden rise of the ISIS and the consequent shift of analysis away from...

Salman Rafi Sheikh