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Syrian Counter–Terrorism Conference Made History in Damascus

Veterans Today had a four man contingent attending this conference, including two of the top five counter terrorism experts in the world, the first time that people of this caliber had attended such an event in a country under attack like...

Jim Dean

Tragedy in Bhopal – Thirty Years Later

The thirtieth anniversary of the terrible tragedy in Bhopal did not pass unnoticed in India. MPs paid tribute to the victims in this largest-ever industrial accident with a moment of silence. And in the centre of Bhopal at the memorial meeting, thousands of people came...

Natalia Rogozhina

Japan: the Political Landscape after the Elections

The latest early election for the lower house of Japan’s parliament has ended with a crushing victory for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP, which, together with its “junior partner” in the parliamentary coalition – New Komeito Party (NFP – has managed to secure...

Vladimir Terehov