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Pakistan: Militants and Islamic State

In November 2014, Mr. Nisar, the Federal Minister of Interior of Pakistan, ruled out the possibility of presence of the militants of the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” (“IS” in the territory of Pakistan. According to the Pakistani media, such “soothing” statement was...

Natalya Zamarayeva

China’s Global Political Shift

I have been to China over the years more than a dozen times. I have spoken with people at all levels of policy-making, and one thing I have come to realize is that when Beijing makes a major policy change, they make it carefully and with great deliberation. And when they arrive at a new consensus, they execute it with remarkable effect on all levels. That is the secret to their...

F. William Engdahl

Will Turkmenistan Become a Shield in Jihadists’ Way?

After withdrawal of NATO’s forces from Afghanistan increasing radical Islamist activity is expected in that country and in the region as a whole. Washington and its Western allies failed to inflict any serious defeat on the Afghan Taliban movement, moreover, the latter could be...

Stanislav Ivanov