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Fatah: Recognition of Palestine requires more than lip service

The spokesman for the Palestinian Al-Fatah movement and member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, Dr. Jamal Nazzal, arrived on his first visit to Denmark on Saturday, January 24, 2014. Dr. Nazzal's visit renews hopes that Denmark will follow it...

Christof Lehmann

Preliminary results of Ashraf Ghani’s 100 days in office

According to a survey by private Afghan television station "Tolo", after 100 days as president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani’s rating is significantly declining. Residents of the capital and central areas of the country have expressed the most dissatisfaction...

Bakhtiar Usmonov

Look Who’s Moving in USA’s ‘Own Backyard’

In 2008 Washington created a special Pentagon command, AFRICOM, to counter the major Chinese economic initiatives in Africa to make loans and give soft credits in return for long-term trade agreements for oil and other African raw materials. Results have been...

F. William Engdahl