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Women's Rights in Afghanistan and Global Response

Since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, on 15th August 2021, world leaders have shown great concerns about women’s rights in the country. The interim Afghan Taliban government holds that the women’s rights issues are the internal issues of the country and the world has no right to meddle in its internal matters. However, Afghanistan is a signatory of multiple international treaties that bound it to provide equal rights to women and ensure human rights.

Abbas Hashemite

Turkey is making threats, but won’t actually fight against Israel

Turkish leader Recep Erdogan is condemning Israel for the military conflict in the Gaza Strip – perhaps more than all other leaders of the Islamic states combined. However, Ankara is not moving from words to real deeds. What is the reason for this political approach of Turkey?

Alexandr Svaranc

The intensification of Japan’s Indo-Pacific policy. The vector of Western countries

In July 2024, Japan sharply intensified its foreign policy in the most important areas, particularly regarding strengthening relations with the countries of the collective West, split into three aspects: US, South Korean and European. Japan has focused on defence cooperation with its allies in both bilateral and multilateral formats (IP4, AUKUS+, NATO, the Seoul-Washington-Tokyo axis, etc.).

Nazar Kurbanov