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China is deepening its foothold in Africa

No country has so rapidly and so successfully penetrated in Africa in the last two decades or so as China has. Not only has China managed to take over economic ‘supervision’ of Africa, but has now started to deploy its military in the region too. China may be Africa's...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Saudi Arabia: New King - Old Problems

The official coming to power of the Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has invoked numerous comments by experts, journalists, and politicians. Many a predicting, like with tea leaves, how Saudi policy will change now and what direction the new king will take...

Viktor Mikhin

Turkey, Terrorism, and the Global Proxy War

While the world’s attention has been fixed on France in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings, the subsequent manhunt, and the political fallout from the incident, a number of important news items have quietly been pushed off the front pages of the...

Eric Draitser