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What Message is Contained in the Execution of Two Japanese Citizens?

The execution "on video" of two Japanese citizens late in January of this year, carried out by "Islamic terrorists," like similar acts with Americans and Europeans, leaves the impression of a primitive, bloody...

Vladimir Terehov

Syria: A Crime Against Humanity is Being Committed

No one would claim that, prior to 2011, Syria was a magical paradise. Like most countries in the world, there was difference of opinion regarding politics and government policy. Many Syrians supported the ruling Baath Party or one of the parties...

Caleb Maupin

The South China Sea: The Situation May Aggravate

It seems we are actually observing the process of the development of a series of alarming events in the "Indo-Pacific Area", and the foreign policy activity of the last months by leaders in a number of principal regions appears be poorly motivated...

Vladimir Terehov