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Libya: ISIL's Looming Military Aggression Against the EU

“You get what you pay for ” – an old proverb goes. These days the West is beginning to reap the fruits of its own policies of creating “color” revolutions including on the very edge of its borders. On February 15 ISIL has opened a “second front”...

Alexander Orlov

Behind the Putin Invite to Kim Jong-un

Russian President Vladimir Putin raised many eyebrows in the west recently by confirming that he had invited the pariah North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, to come to Russia in May. Some saw this as a measure of the degree of desperation of Russia

F. William Engdahl

Thailand: US Passionately Pleas for "Compromise"

Corporate-funded think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, in their magazine Foreign Affairs, recently published an article titled, "Silencing the Shinawatras." In it, author Matthew Wheeler encapsulates current US policy toward Thailand regarding the recent ousting by...

Tony Cartalucci