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Malaysia: More to Anwar Ibrahim Than Meets the Eye

The most recent chapter in Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's legal troubles has been framed by the Western media as everything from a politically motivated witch hunt, to discrimination against homosexuality and a violation of "human rights." CNN would...

Tony Cartalucci

Angela Merkel’s Visit to Japan: the Aspect of Recent History

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “blitz visit” to Japan on March 9-10 garnered interest on various aspects. Only an urgent need for communication with her colleague Shinzo Abe could prompt Frau Chancellor to spend 24 hours in the air and cover about...

Vladimir Terehov

Military Cooperation Between US and Israel Will Grow

Despite the growing tension across bilateral relations between the US and Israel, triggered by different approaches to Iran’s nuclear program, military cooperation between the two countries doesn’t seem to be affected at all by the recent face-off between US President Barack Obama...

Vladimir Platov