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Saudi Aggression: Yemen Strikes Back

It seems that the Yemeni rebels – the Houthis - have lost patience with Saudi bombs raining upon their heads, and have decided to launch a counteroffensive against Saudi Arabia by extending the range of their operations. On May 4 armed militias of the Bakil tribal federation...

Petr Lvov

The Iran deal and the Western Geo-Politics

The peace deal between the US led coalition and Iran has some critical geo-political benefits in its blossom that the West aims to harness in due course of time to further buttress its position in the wake of fast emerging strategic changes. Amidst an ever increasing...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Complicated Domestic Situation in Pakistan

Despite recent efforts from Pakistani authorities towards stabilizing their domestic political situation, the reigning atmosphere there remains unstable and can at any given time transform into the next crisis, in which military intervention will be inevitable...

Vladimir Simonov