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Russian Embassy Attack: Terrorism Or Act of War?

On Tuesday, May 19th the Russian consulate in Damascus suffered another attack by NATO proxy forces trying to overthrow the government of Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded with a statement condemning the attack as an act of “terrorism”...

Christopher Black

Countering the West in the Black Sea and Beyond

A previous article entitled Battlefield: Black Sea examined the development of US and NATO military deployment in the Black Sea region. This article focuses on the ways in which Russia is moving to counter what it perceives as an aggressive US-NATO strategy...

Eric Draitser

East Asian Tour of Modi in Context of Regional 'Big Game'

From May 14 to 19 this year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid state visits to China, Mongolia and South Korea. This tour should be attributed to the primary regional policy events of recent times. Not least because the tour was aimed at discussion of...
Vladimir Terehov