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Lebanon: The Calm Before the Storm

Despite the fact that Lebanon has somehow escaped the wave of "color revolutions" and civil wars that has been plaguing the Arab world, the situation in the country remains rather difficult. At any given moment a sectarian conflict can break out in Lebanon followed by...

Viktor Titov

Should Tunisia be Thanking Washington for the Recent Terrorist Attacks?

After a terrorist attack carried out by "Islamic State" (ISIL militants on a hotel resort in Tunisia on June 26, that resulted in 39 people being killed, the situation in the country has begun to reach boiling point. This attack...

Vladimir Odintsov

Russia, China Deepen Win-Win

It’s scarcely a day passes that there isn’t some fascinating new development bringing Russia and China closer in peaceful economic cooperation. The most recent such development involves what must be described as a win-win development in which Russia has agreed to lease...

F. William Engdahl