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Israel’s New Political Manoeuvering in the Middle East

In one of the previous articles, I had argued that any probable nuclear deal between Iran and the USA would “send political jolts across the entire Middle Eastern political landscape, with Saudi Arabia and Israel standing as the most sensitive...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

On Political Aspects of Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region

The complexity of the situation emerging in the Asia-Pacific Region is manifested in a contradictory interweaving of political and economic regional trends, the motivation of which is mainly based on the rapid emergence of China as one of the leading...

Vladimir Terehov

Tunisia and its Security Challenges

According to a recent statement by Tunisia’s President Beji Caid Essebsi, in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in the resort town of Sousse, a state of emergency is going to be introduced across the country for the next 30 days to allow local army and police...

Ekaterina Ryzhkova