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Pakistan and Central Asia: New Phase, Same Goals

In May and June, 2015, Islamabad made another breakthrough with the governments of Central Asia. Prime Minister MianMuhammad Nawaz Sharif made official state visits to Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan to discuss...

Natalya Zamarayeva

Iran is Heading West Now

It is now official that the final agreement on the Iranian nuclear program has been signed in Vienna on July 14. The agreement provides a plan for the gradual lift of sanctions in exchange for more than ten years of restrictions on Iran’s nuclear development...

Petr Lvov

The Iran Agreement, More Nuclear Theatre

The planet is saved from the brink of war, we are told today. Everyone is weighing in, broken politicians, the walking dead of the geopolitical world hoping their inane observations on the obvious and meaningless might bring an iota of attention their way...

Gordon Duff