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Negotiations Between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban

At the beginning of July 2015, Pakistan hosted a meeting of representatives of the Afghan Government and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan, as part of the commitments to support the Afghan peace and reconciliation process headed by Afghanistan...

Natalya Zamarayeva

US-Backed Racist to Run in Myanmar's Elections

Meet Ko Ko Gyi. He is a US-funded agitator working hard to reinstate Western hegemony in Myanmar (still referred to by its British imperial nomenclature "Burma" by the Western press since at least the late 1980's. Now, he seeks to take the next step...

Tony Cartalucci

Barrel Bombing Us All

Here is a fair question, why discuss barrel bombs at all? It is clear to anyone who pays attention to world news that President Assad of Syria is using old oil drums filled with caustic chemicals to wipe out his entire population. No western paper, no Russian news bureau...

Gordon Duff