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Crucified Boy, Boiled Babies and Stone Fish Law

Observing a simultaneous waging of several information wars, the author of the article often wonders why it happens that obvious fabrications are spread in the media. His conspiracy-addicted mind usually draws a picture, in which the chief editor of a propaganda...

Konstantin Asmolov

Turkey – America’s New Sweetheart

Throughout the centuries the Old World saw the use of royal minions to change the course of political events in royal courts and throughout European politics. However, the position of a royal minion was extremely insecure, since kings were inclined to change...

Vladimir Odintsov

Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup

Times are tough for America's "color revolution" industry. Perfected in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and honed during the so-called "Arab Spring," the process of backing subversion in a targeted country and overthrowing a sitting government...

Tony Cartalucci