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Kyrgyzstan has Officially Joined the EAEC

Recently Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have opened the customs border which marked Kyrgyzstan's acquiring of the status of a full member of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC. Since out of all the countries...

Vladimir Odintsov

Lebanon: Forget the Arab Spring - Here Comes the Real Arab Uprising!

Revolution's fire is burning bright in the Levant and its winds are infectious. From Lebanon to Beirut and beyond, Manama, the Middle East is once more holding its breath before the defiance of its youth. This time around...

Catherine Shakdam

Asia: Choosing Between East and West

Political and business circles across Asia face a shifting geopolitical environment driven by the inevitable rise of China. Several fundamental factors are driving this shift  that if fully understood should help established political orders, business interests...

Tony Cartalucci