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Western Media Hype ‘Russian Aggression’ in Syria

From Washington to the western media, everyone has been talking about reports of potential Russian ‘intervention’ in Syria. On the one hand, the proliferation of this meme is a case study in the western propaganda system, as one report is then repeated...

Eric Draitser

Time to Blame the Right People for the Refugee Debacle

Let’s get this straight, up to 6 million refugees are waiting to get into Western Europe. This is life and death for them, no Arab country wants them and the irony of six million people dying in Israeli concentration camps is unavoidable. This is...

Gordon Duff

Migrant Crisis and the Ongoing Conflict in Syria

Footage of poor migrants flooding European streets has been aired in the last couple of days by all the major TV stations around the world. Most of those came from Syria, forced to leave their homeland due to the bitter armed conflict that has been raging for...

Yuriy Zinin