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Has Turkey Become a Fascist State?

Seventy years after the defeat of Nazi Germany, fascism has reemerged with a vengeance. This resurgence can be seen all over Europe and the former Soviet bloc, perhaps most notably in Ukraine where Nazism masquerading as nationalist patriotism has effectively...

Eric Draitser

An Anti-Theory of Sanctions: Why an Iranian New Deal was Necessary

While the debate over the wisdom of concluding the Iran nuclear deal continues, this article takes a slightly more involved intellectual approach to explain why an alternative to the long-standing sanctions was likely inevitable. This is especially the case if there is a sincere desire to see Iran incorporated long-term into the global community and not simply continue...

Matthew Crosston

On the Forthcoming Visit of Xi Jinping to the USA

The first official visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the USA, on September 21-22 of this year, will be the most important event in current world politics, during which he will also make a speech at the plenary session in the beginning of the next...

Vladimir Terehov