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Syria: Western Intervention Created The Refugee Crisis

Since 2011, Syria has been facing a campaign of international terrorism. This terrorism has nothing to do with the peaceful protests that took place during the Arab Spring. This terrorism isn’t led by human rights activists, “democratic socialists,”...

Caleb Maupin

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Massacre?

The extremely unfortunate and violent events in Syria permanently occupy headlines of the world's media. They are described in the smallest detail in so many analytical reports, that it has become obvious who exactly was responsible for the chaos happening in...

Viktor Mikhin

Sri Lanka: The Long Way to Recovery

On September 16, 2015 the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) finally published its report on the agencies investigation into the 2002 – 2011 civil war in Sri Lanka. The report documents abuses committed by all sides during the protracted conflict. The path to recovery is long, complicated and not without domestic as well as international challenges that need to be addressed. Failure to implement credible...

Christof Lehmann