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Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria

Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, a little more than a year ago, in July 2014 were the focus of attention in Europe and North America, accused, without a shred of forensic evidence, of shooting down an unarmed civilian Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine...

F. William Engdahl

Aggravation of Internal Political Situation in Iraqi Kurdistan

A wave of protests in a form of rallies and demonstrations has being gaining momentum in the northeastern Iraqi province of Sulaymaniyah since October 9 of this year. Protest participants demand that the regional authorities would immediately and effectively...

Stanislav Ivanov

Pakistan and the Imperial Ambitions of the United States

In the last two decades, the world has had a chance to see what tragedies and absurdities can be instigated by the imperial ambitions of Washington and the connivance of the international community. It was the White House’s desire to expand its political...

Vladimir Platov