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Ecological Aspect of the Conflict in the South China Sea

The territorial conflict in the South China Sea, smouldering for several decades already, has suddenly gained a new meaning: ecological. That is attributed to the China constructing artificial islands. From the point of the Philippines, this...

Natalia Rogozhina

Please Pay Attention, There is No War

If you read the papers, there is no war, there are no wars, no ISIS, no al Nusra, no failed Minsk agreement with daily shelling, no carpet bombing in Yemen, no destroyed Saudi air bases, none of it is happening, none of it...

Gordon Duff

The stretch-limit of the US-Iran Rapprochement

On Friday, September 12, the U.S. Congress failed, as was expected, to derail the Iran deal as Republicans could not get a veto-proof majority in either chamber of the bicameral legislature. President Barack Obama has already pledged to veto any...

Salman Rafi Sheikh