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Clarity and Decisiveness Define Russia's Success in Syria

There is a marked difference between what was happening in Syria before the Russian campaign against terrorist organizations started and what is happening today. If terrorist organizations, such as ISIL, are today on the run, that is...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Madness of King Erdogan

America and Israel, in playing up to Erdogan, perhaps even underestimating his grasp but more likely overlooking his long history of mental instability, have turned Turkey into a de facto nuclear power. For those who aren’t afraid, its time it sunk in. The US...

Gordon Duff

Putin, Tayyip Erdogan and the Issue of Sunnification: A Duel of Words

In the aftermath of the Turkish downing of a Russian jet, Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdoğan engaged in a tit-for-tat battle of words about Turkey and its policy aims and goals. Last week, in...

Can Erimtan