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Fifteen Year’s Sentence for a Motto Torn Off

The list of American citizens who suffered at the hands of the North Korean regime has just become a bit longer. On March 16, 2016, the Supreme Court of North Korea sentenced a U.S. student to 15 years in a labor camp for “committing an act of hostility...

Konstantin Asmolov

Symbolic Meaning of G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Hiroshima

In mid-April, Hiroshima hosted a meeting of foreign ministers of the G7 nations as part of the preparation for the G7 summit. As was expected, the US Secretary of State along with...

Vladimir Terehov

Soros & the NGOs: Tearing Real Georgian Freedom Asunder

George Soros is a very successful man, at least where money and power are concerned. The reach of the hedge fund legend through his Open Society Foundations leverages governments and ideas across the breadth of 40 nations now. Here is a look at...

Phil Butler