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Has the Persian Gulf Crisis Overshadowed the Syrian Dossier?

The crisis between Saudi Arabia and its former supporter Qatar which could observe all through the last month provoked a storm of comments in the Middle Eastern media space. There's a handful of predictions and speculation about...

Yuriy Zinin

How the Western Media Revises Reality

The goal of informing an audience is straightforward and employs equally straightforward methods. The goal of manipulating an audience, however, is more complicated. It involves not only manipulating the current facts, but also...

Tony Cartalucci

Washington's Devastating Next-stage of the War in Syria

All the US has to offer to the people of Syria is not hope but destruction, not peace but war, a war that is no longer—and never was—just about Syria. With the passage of time, the actual nature of the war imposed on Syria has...

Salman Rafi Sheikh