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Rosatom in Kyrgyzstan - opening a new page in the nuclear power industry

Low-capacity nuclear power plants are one of the most promising areas that determine the key trends in the development of nuclear energy on a global scale. Once complex, dangerous, labour-intensive and science-intensive NPP development projects, the cost of implementation of which implied economic profitability only in case of impressive scale and capacity of the projects, could be implemented only in the most developed countries of the world.  Now such projects, especially due to the scientific breakthrough…

Boris Kushhov

History Lessons. Dedicated to the Centennial of Kim Dae-jung

During a ceremony held on January 6, 2024 to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of former President Kim Dae-jung, who led the country from 1998-2003, leading politicians from rival parties called for “unity and tolerance” to bring harmony into society deeply divided by “extremist politics”. “Politics is now mired in confrontation, antagonism and division,” National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo, co-chair for the event, said in his congratulatory speech. “What former President Kim would have wanted from us was, of course, national unity,” he said. Former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who also serves as a co-chair, said the politics had partly instigated distrust and hatred, stressing that “national unity and solidarity” were the only way to overcome crises…

Konstantin Asmolov

Middle East knot of contradictions around Iran

Military and political tensions in the Middle East around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are gaining new momentum with a bias towards the expansion and internationalisation of the conflict – from local to regional. On the one hand, pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq are creating a belt of high tension for Israel and the targets (military, diplomatic and commercial) of its Western allies. On the other hand, the military forces and intelligence services of the Israeli-Western…

Alexandr Svaranc