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What is the current status of the Lee Jae-myung assassination case?

We are monitoring the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the South Korean opposition leader, which may have significant political consequences in light of the upcoming parliamentary elections. After the incident, the police quickly assembled a 68-member investigation team to check on approximately 40 individuals, including the suspect who was detained at the scene. The investigations comprised searches of the suspect’s residence, office, vehicle, phone records, and bank transactions. Lee Jae-myung was released from the hospital on Jan. 10, eight days after he was stabbed in the neck…

Konstantin Asmolov

Significant events in the run-up to India’s general elections

In April-May this year, India, now one of the world’s leading powers, will hold general elections to choose the members of its lower house of parliament and, consequently, to elect a new government. We should add the word “formally” here, because all the procedures prescribed by the existing constitution will need be complied with.For, as previously noted in NEO, there is now little doubt that the National Democratic Alliance, the center-right coalition that has ruled since 2014, will win yet another victory (the third in a row, albeit with varying margins). The NDA comprises more than forty parties and movements, but it is dominated by the Bharatiya Janata Party…

Vladimir Terehov

Who is to blame for Mongolia’s fuel shortages?

Since the third quarter of 2023, the Mongolian public have been shaken by regular media reports of gasoline and diesel shortages in various parts of the country. Furthermore, to lend credence to these reports, a regular succession of publications have appeared stating just how many days’ worth of fuel are left in the country. This trend has become particularly evident since the Russian Federation introduced restrictions on fuel exports in 2023 to stabilize its domestic market. Mongolia receives more than 95% of all its fuel by rail from its northern neighbor, and more than 75% of all of Ulaanbaatar’s fuel imports come from Rosneft…

Boris Kushhov