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Central Asia and Afghanistan: New routes and economic opportunities for the region

In 2023, Afghanistan experienced a limited return to economic growth and infrastructure development after several years of severing most existing ties. During the year, several significant international events occurred in Central Asia, resulting in increased global attention to the region, and a number of projects of Eurasian scale were initiated. At the end of 2023, it appears that there is a long-term interest from Afghanistan in participating in these projects…

Boris Kushhov

Cuba and South Korea have restored diplomatic relations

On 14 February 2024, the representatives of the ROK and Cuba at the United Nations exchanged diplomatic notes in New York, marking the establishment of official relations. Cuba became the 193rd country with which the ROK established diplomatic relations. According to the ROK presidential office, the event was the culmination of Seoul’s diplomatic efforts to establish relations with socialist countries that have traditionally maintained friendly contacts with the DPRK. In this regard…

Konstantin Asmolov

Turkey and Russia: the future for bank payments...

Many specialists believe that, as a result of anti-Russian sanctions and US pressure on business, and particularly on the Turkish financial system, starting from January this year Turkish banks have had to stop or freeze bank payments to Russian partners and refuse to service transactions involving Russian legal entities. If this situation persists it will naturally have a negative impact on the overall trade balance between the two countries. But there is always a solution – it is just a matter of price. The development of trade and economic relations between Russia and Turkey is closely dependent on the availability of financial support…

Alexandr Svaranc