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Armageddon, Determinism and Rage

Analysts apply theories to interpret events, to forecast, to influence and even to warn.  Behind this is determinism, the theory that all events are inexorable, the result of causations independent of human foible. Determinists rule our century, we bask in their hubris and ignorance.  When their theories fail, a new algorithm applied to fake data is turned to, and the descent...

Gordon Duff

Some Economic and Political Factors of Coronavirus Outbreak

The epidemic caused by a new strain of Coronaviruses, called “2019-nCOV” by the World Health Organization (WHO on January 30, is becoming a crucial factor in the current phase of ongoing political and economic processes. Although the author lacks the expertise to discuss either the origins or the spread of the viral outbreak...

Vladimir Terehov

Events in Syria have Taken a Dangerous Turn

In recent days, we’ve been witnessing a noticeable deterioration of the security situation in Syria. Hostilities are being reported both the in Idlib and Aleppo governorates, where radical militants are desperately trying to regain control of sections of the M5 highway they had to surrender. Gunfights are being reported near the village of al-Rashidin to the west...

Valery Kulikov