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USA’s “Middle Eastern Vietnam”

The United States lost the Vietnam War forty five years ago. By carrying out air strikes against the North and deploying US troops in the South, Washington hoped to weaken North Vietnam’s economy. The war saw some of the most intense aerial bombardment in the history of humankind. From 1964 to 1973, the United States Air Force dropped approximately...

Vladimir Platov

Failed Attempts to Impeach Trump and their Effects on Dialogue between DPRK and US

On 5 February 2020, the US Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. After that, Trump’s approval ratings reached a new high of 49% for this last year of his presidency. What effect will this event have on the way talks between Pyongyang and Washington proceed in the future...

Konstantin Asmolov

What is the US’ New ‘Central Asia Strategy’ All About?

While rolling out new strategies regarding strategically important regions in Asia is a US policy tradition, the fact that the latest ‘Central Asia Strategy’ document coincides with an imminent peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan shows that the cardinal purpose of the US’ war in Afghanistan, which was to maintain a strong military presence and...

Salman Rafi Sheikh