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Saudi Arabia And Its Future

Two visits to Saudi Arabia have focused the attention of global media outlets on the Kingdom, clearly pinpointing the direction and outlook of its foreign policy. To start with, the Saudi King hosted Israeli Rabbi David Rosen in his royal palace for the very first time in modern history on 24 February 2020. The meeting took place during a reception organized by the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International...

Viktor Mikhin

Turkey in Syria: Down a Blind Alley in an Unwinnable War?

Fighting in northern Syria has escalated as Syrian forces retake the last remaining bastions of foreign-funded militants and encircle, cut-off, and in some cases catch in the crossfire their Turkish backers. Turkey had been making some promising steps in the right direction since Washington's disastrous proxy regime-change war in Syria began unraveling - yet it still maintains...

Tony Cartalucci

It is ‘Take No Prisoners’ Election Time in Israel Again

The knives have been sharpened for weeks and the Prime Minister contenders have finally brought them out as we go into the March 12th election countdown. Benny Gantz of the Blue and White party used his knife to slash one of his own wrists by making a huge blunder about claiming he would be able to form a new government with a “Jewish majority”. “We will form...

Jim Dean