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EU Calling for Regime Change in Georgia over Recent Passing of a Foreign Agents Law

Something is in the works in Georgia, besides a unanimous vote on a law that the West does not want. On April 17, the ruling Georgian Dream party passed the “Foreign Agents Law” in its first reading, with 83 votes in favor and none against. The fanfare over the bill is just the beginning of what is to come next, and this is more revealing than the vote itself and the wording of the bill…

Henry Kamens

Iran shows itself as a powerful and responsible power in the Near and Middle East

The dates of 7 October 2023 and 13 April 2024 will go down in the history of the Middle East as milestones that defined a new balance of power. The myth of Israel’s military superiority and the invincibility of its army will be gone forever. The Gaza massacre, which caused enormous loss of life and destruction, effectively isolated the Netanyahu government in the international community. Only the US and a few other Western powers provided diplomatic cover for his military provocations…

Veniamin Popov

The Rundown of the South Korea 2024 Parliamentary Elections: Over so Soon?

Parliamentary elections in South Korea have taken place, and their outcome partly matched this author’s predictions. Therefore, in this final block of articles on this topic, we will first recall how we thought the outcome would be, and then we will describe how the population actually voted, comparing the results of the 2024 election and the results of the 2020 election. We will touch on irregularities separately to remove interference factors…

Konstantin Asmolov