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Power Dynamics Shift in Yemen as Battle for Mareb Hits Up

With Yemen well within its seventh year of a conflict that has all but ravaged the country, power dynamics seem to have shifted rather dramatically - interestingly enough not in favour of either engaged parties. If anything Yemen seems to have fallen prey to political entropy whereby players have all but ensured their mutual destruction, without any room...

Catherine Shakdam

Turkey Aims to Be at the Forefront of the Unmanned Systems of the Future

Unmanned military technology is increasingly being introduced by various armies worldwide, whether in the air, at sea, or on the ground. Therefore, weapons such as unmanned combat vehicles and combat robots are becoming a development priority for many countries. Along with such established global...

Vladimir Platov

South Korean Seongnamgate: Will There Be a Sequel?

The author continues to follow a serious scandal in South Korea that could affect the outcome of the March 2022 presidential election, as one of the potential figures in the case is Lee Jae-myung, the ruling Democratic presidential candidate. The fact is that a previously unknown firm, Hwacheon Daeyu, and its seven affiliates made more than 1,000 times their investment...

Konstantin Asmolov