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Libyan Elections Got Disrupted by the US and UK Intervention

On 24 December 2021, Libya was scheduled to hold a popular vote for the country's first president, but it never took place: The Election Commission failed to publish the final list of candidates on time, and on December 21, the head of the Commission, Imad al-Saih, ordered the closing of polling stations. The vote was postponed indefinitely at the last minute because...

Vladimir Odintsov

Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics is Washington's Self-inflicted Wound

The confrontation with China taken by Washington in recent years is being pursued not only on the economic front, with numerous sanctions against Chinese companies, but in politics as well, with the US creating various anti-Chinese blocs, such as AUKUS, provoking Taiwanese separatism...

Vladimir Platov

UAE Embraces Beijing by Scraping F-35 Deal with the US

A major blow has been inflicted to the US standing and influence in the Middle East by the UAE that is scraping the F-35 deal with Washington. This decision comes on the back of some stubborn US efforts to dissuade the UAE from acquiring the Chinese 5G expertise. The US has been doing everything it could to force Abu Dhabi into sacrificing its relations...

Salman Rafi Sheikh