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UK and France Push Forward their Tilt to Indo-Pacific

The term “tilt” that stands for UK’s need to double down on the Indo-Pacific region (IPR) in general and China in particular in terms of foreign policy, was first used in late 2020 in a Chatham House research. This research was conducted on the eve of (a long-drawn-out) ending UK’s push to leave EU when one question was becoming increasingly urgent: “What will happen...

Vladimir Terehov

Iran’s Middle Eastern Strategy

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was quite right when he said that the talks with Iran on its nuclear program are at “a decisive moment.” At it looked for a time as if Washington was ready to accept full responsibility for the deteriorating situation both in the Islamic Republic and in the Middle East as a whole. But instead, Mr. Blinken stuck to the aggressive policy line adopted by the current US administration...

Viktor Mikhin

US Military: a Civilian Killing Machine

On August 29, 2021 when the US launched an air strike in Kabul supposedly on an ISIS hideout, it killed 10 innocent civilians. Victims included Zemari Ahmadi, who worked for a US-based aid organisation, and nine members of his family, including seven children. While the US officials back then were quick to affirm that the strike followed “solid intelligence...

Salman Rafi Sheikh