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Why Would Washington Assist the Afghan Taliban?

When the US decided to withdraw its military forces from Afghanistan in mid-2021, Joe Biden assured his Afghan counterpart, Ashraf Ghani, of full US support against the Taliban (banned in Russia) to preserve the so-called “democratic” gains the country made during twenty years of US occupation. Evidence that we have previously examined clearly indicates that the US...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: Yoon Suk-yeol’s Affairs

The showdown in the Conservative camp took place on a far greater scale for a number of reasons. First, within the logic of factional struggle and partly due to Moon’s policies, “People’s Power” has in part become an alliance of all who oppose Moon, making the division between factions deeper and more acute. There are classic conservatives like...

Konstantin Asmolov

Libya: the Hard Road to Stability and Reconciliation

The so-called political transition in Libya appears to have no end in sight. The political or interim phase seems to have completely diverged from the UN-sponsored roadmap, which was to culminate in parliamentary and presidential elections on December 24, 2021. But they failed because of sharp contradictions over the eligibility of several major...

Viktor Mikhin