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Information Sovereignty More Important Than Ever

The elimination of Russian media across the West and to a greater extent from across US-based social media platforms used worldwide, is a stark demonstration of the power the West still wields within global information space. It is a wake-up call for nations around the globe regarding the threat of leaving a nation’s information space not only completely undefended...

Brian Berletic

Shamanism and Politics in South Korea

After publishing the materials about the traces of shamanism in Yoon Suk-yeol’s case, the author received many comments asking him to clarify this case in more detail. Therefore, it was decided to offer some more insights on such issues as shamanism and politics in South Korea. Despite traditional role and popularity in the society, the social status of a shaman...

Konstantin Asmolov

Turkish Fighters and the Internationalization of the Ukrainian War

More recently, the topic of Turkey and its use of fighters with Syrian war experience in a number of armed conflict zones has been discussed at length in the pages of NEO. However, the topic of foreign fighters in the current events in Ukraine, as well as the involvement of a number of NATO countries in sending...

Vladimir Platov