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Moon Jae-in's Under Siege

On May 10, Moon Jae-in, who has completed his five-year term as president, left for his small homeland in Yangsan City, Gyeongsangnam-do Province, 420 kilometers south of Seoul. Arriving at the station, the ex-president said that he was returning to his village of origin, as promised, and intended to live an ordinary life, looking after his pets, farming and attending church. However, the escape into political...

Konstantin Asmolov

Where Next For Pakistan?

Whilst a few other things have been going on in the world, Pakistan has been going through political turmoil which shows little sign of abating soon. This has been little noticed however, because Pakistan has dropped off the radar, and yet more instability there is hardly news. Prime Minister Imran Khan, the playboy sportsman turned statesman who is Pakistan’s equivalent of a “trendy leftie”, has been turfed...

Seth Ferris

A Few Words about Sexism - Japan’s Experience

In the current stage of the Great Game - the global geopolitical power struggle in which the contestants are behaving more and more like the inmates of a madhouse - the world is seeing words take on new meanings. And one of the most important words in this Newspeak is “sexism.” This term, or rather a marker - a bit like the code words used by fighter pilots...

Vladimir Terehov