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China-Solomon Islands Relations will Change the Balance of Powers in the Pacific

In April 2022, the world learned that China and the Solomon Islands concluded a framework security treaty allowing China to station its naval forces in this small but strategically important nation in Oceania, just 2,000 km off the coast of the largest state in the South Pacific, Australia. However, the Chinese authorities say that the China-Solomon...

Petr Konovalov

Arab World on the Eve of Joe Biden’s Visit

The Arab world seems to be not only making successful attempts at unification, but also seeking to play a more active role on the international arena. And here Russia’s plans to transform the selfish unipolar world into a multipolar one, where the interests of all countries, including the Arab states, would be fully taken into account, are consonant with it. In this context...

Viktor Mikhin

No End to the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In the new commentary on the most significant developments one way or another related to the Taiwan issue, first of all it is worth re-emphasizing what in the author’s view is the most important thing. Namely, despite the continuing general trend of thickening clouds in the picture reflecting the issue, there are still glimpses...

Vladimir Terehov