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Myanmar MiG-29 Crosses into Thai Airspace: The Rest of the Story

A recent incident involving a MiG-29 fighter aircraft from Myanmar which flew into Thai airspace triggered political fallout particularly instructive in understanding the current dynamics in both countries as well as across wider Asia. It also gives a glimpse into the dynamics of the ongoing US-Chinese tensions that are the driving force...

Brian Berletic

Will Moon Jae-in be Successful in his Attempts to Reform the Public Prosecution Service?

On June 27, 2022, South Korea’s Ministry of Justice appealed to the Constitutional Court against the new laws aimed at reforming and, in time, ending the Prosecution Service’s authority to investigate crimes. The Ministry believes that these laws are unconstitutional. This is the latest round in a political struggle which reached its height...

Konstantin Asmolov

Egypt’s worries about the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said his country was pursuing “diplomacy and patience” on the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue, although he added firmly that “no one will compromise on Egypt’s water quota.” This rather firm statement by the Egyptian President came after Ethiopia announced plans to unilaterally implement...

Viktor Mikhin