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Relations between Turkey and Greece Keep Deteriorating

The territorial dispute that has been going on for decades between the two NATO member countries Turkey and Greece is not only not abating, but, unfortunately, is steadily gaining momentum. Countries regularly put forward claims against each other, including disputes over maritime borders and airspace in the Eastern Mediterranean. In recent months, tensions between...

Vladimir Odintsov

Taiwan: Washington Plays with Dragon’s Fire

Tensions continued to build between the United States and China with the recent trip of US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan against Beijing’s warnings. The unfolding row is depicted with immense ambiguity by the Western media in what is otherwise a clear-cut case of America violating China’s sovereignty. US publication Newsweek...

Brian Berletic

A Reshuffling of the Alliances in the Persian Gulf

The failure of US president Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East and the inability of his administration to make any real contribution to solving the problems currently faced by the region have set in motion new processes in the Arab world and heightened their determination to organize their mutual relations as they best see fit. Perhaps the most striking example...

Viktor Mikhin