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Washington's and Kyiv's Failed Attempt to Drive a "Fake News" Wedge between Kazakhstan and Russia

The well-informed reader need not be reminded of the United States’ "eagerness" to regain the positions it has lost in Central Asia in recent years. And of Washington's incessant attempts to separate the former CIS republics and now independent Central Asian states from Russia for ...

Vladimir Odintsov

Iraq: Political Chaos in Full Swing

For the past month, there have been bitter political disputes in Iraq that have divided and polarized different communities, making it impossible to elect representatives to the country's highest bodies. These divisions have deeply engrained themselves into the different strata of the society through social media, creating disputes and barriers not only between communities ...

Viktor Mikhin

Biden is Trying to Bring Down Xi Jinping and Organize a “Color Revolution” in China

This autumn will be a momentous time for China - in the XX National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party the delegates will confirm China’s strategy and development priorities, and elect the country’s leader for the next five years. It is likely that Xi Jinping, the current head of the Party, will be reelected for a third term...

Valery Kulikov