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“Sensitive Issues” in PRC-ROK Relations: Issues of Sinophobia

This topic has been raised many times by this author in his NEO articles, and its manifestations are manifold. People’s dislike On December 28, Yoon Suk-yeol stated that most South Koreans, especially young people, dislike China despite President Moon Jae-in’s administration’s pro-China policies, adding that most young Chinese also dislike...

Konstantin Asmolov

Western “Democrats” Try to Chain Turkey Up

Recent events around the world increasingly confirm the belief that the so-called “American-style democracy” is a bubble, using which Washington, together with its Western allies, is actively trying to move all nations back to a slave system where only it would reign. From this, in fact, stem the armed conflicts unleashed by the West in various regions...

Valery Kulikov

On the Current Situation in Pakistan

The topic of political developments in and around Pakistan (remember, a de facto nuclear power!) was left in a state that can be characterized by a few key points. First, the struggle between the faction led by the Pakistan Muslim League (N), which came to power in April this year, and the sidelined faction led by the Movement for Justice continued. The struggle between...

Vladimir Terehov