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Opposition or Terrorists: Who is Syria and Russia Bombing in Idlib?

Scott Lucas - a professor at the University of Birmingham UK - would decry with the rest of the Western media - resumed joint military operations carried out by Syria and Russia in and around the northwestern governorate of Idlib. Reuters in their article, "Syrian army resumes...

Tony Cartalucci

Why Israel Attacking Syria Again?

If remarks of Israeli prime minister Netanyahu were to be believed, the recently held meeting of US, Russian and Israeli National Security Advisers (NSAs in Jerusalem was a ‘real diplomatic success.’ Netanyahu boasted this meeting off as the hallmark of Israeli-Russian cooperation towards establishing stability in the region. But…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US Propaganda Blitz Ahead of Idlib’s Liberation

A concerted effort is being made to once again flood Western headlines with now familiar and long-since discredited war propaganda as Syrian forces and their Russian and Iranian allies move in on Idlib in northern Syria to liberate it from…
Tony Cartalucci