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Caesar Act: Protecting or Destroying Syrian ‘Civilians’?

The so-called US “Civilian Protection Act” does everything except “protect” the people of Syria. If anything, it aims, what a draconian law would normally do, to further destroy and strangulate the Syrian economy to make the country’s post-war economic reconstruction and development even more difficult. As the act’s “statement of policy” states...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Why is the US Still Sanctioning Syria?

Chinese media highlighted a recent plea by Beijing to the US to lift sanctions against Syria. China's CGTN in an article titled, "Chinese envoy asks US to lift unilateral sanctions on Syria," would report: A Chinese envoy on Tuesday asked the United States to immediately lift unilateral sanctions against Syria. Years of economic blockade have caused tremendous...

Tony Cartalucci

UK’s Information Warfare in Syria

After their failed military interventions in Vietnam and a number of other countries, the United States and its main ally (as far as invasions and occupations are concerned, Great Britain, made serious changes to their approach by making information warfare one of their key tools or an alternative to military operations, during which propaganda became a crucial means...

Vladimir Odintsov