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Who is Hindering the OPCW Inspectors' Work in Syria

The international inspectors responsible for the control of the chemical weapons' destruction process in Syria left their hotel in Damascus to get started on October 2, although fierce clashes between the army and the rebels were taking place in the suburbs of the capital of Syria...

Petr Lvov

A split in the Syrian opposition is deepening

The situation in Syria for both the US and Saudi Arabia is getting more complicated on a daily basis. The White House started investing even more resources in the Free Syrian Army to oppose the radical Islamists that entrench themselves in the regions of Syria that are not controlled...

Alexander Orlov

A Senator's guide to gassing Syrians

Despite the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2118 that states that the Syrian chemical stockpiles should be destroyed, the question on who was behind the chemical attacks remains to be today's agenda, for the experts and political analysts in the least. There was a stream of...

Alexander Orlov