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Pentagon Tries to Pretend that it's Engaged in "Harmless Activities" in Syria

At the behest of the new White House administration, the Pentagon, in the face of growing criticism of American military interventionism in the Middle East in recent years, has decided to adjust its image. This has become especially important for Washington now that public opinion not only in the United States, in Syria, but also in the UN...

Vladimir Platov

How the US Sanctions Regime is Plundering Syria

While the US military presence in northeastern Syria is purportedly aimed at preventing the re-emergence of ISIS, there is little denying that the US presence and the overall policy regime it is following in Syria is actively contributing to down grading the country’s military and political gains in the ten long years of a multi-front war. On the one hand...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Syria Falls Victim to US Highway Robbery

Recently, you can very frequently see in the reports of the Middle Eastern media information that the United States is exporting military personnel and special equipment from Syria to Iraq. In November alone the world saw several such reports: on November 29, the Syrian news agency SANA reported the advance of a military caravan consisting of 25 heavy...

Vladimir Platov