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Would Moscow Persuade Damascus to Take Peace Seriously?

Late oMarch 14, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin summoned Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to the Kremlin in order to announce in front of numerous TV crews that Russia was beginning a partial withdrawal of...

Vladimir Simonov

Putin Pulling Troops out on Eve of Geneva Talks

“War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.” – George Orwell. The second round of the Geneva Syria talks will go down in history as having been pushed out of the news with Putin’s...

Jim Dean

Geneva Will See Syrian Kurds

Despite Turkey's clearly hostile and unyielding position on the participation of Syrian Kurds in the Geneva talks dedicated to the settlement of the Syrian conflict, the Kurds will most likely be a qualified party to the negotiating process after all. Two factors contributed to the favorable...

Stanislav Ivanov