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Syrian Border Chaos as NATO Aims to Win Proxy War

An engineered drama unfolds along the Turkish-Syrian border as terrorists armed and backed by a US-led coalition including NATO-member Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar allegedly battle both the self-proclaimed "Islamic State"...

Tony Cartalucci

The Spectre of Syria Talks is an Illusion

The recently held meeting between John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, leading as they were ISSG, in Vienna regarding establishing ‘peace’ in Syria was yet another failure in the long list of failures the crisis has seen since...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Western Imperialism ‘Must Go’

For years now, the Western elite have been incessantly pushing the slogan that ‘Assad must go.’ Under the pretext of removing an ‘evil’ dictator and helping the people of Syria, the West has been funding, arming and training an array of Al-Qaeda affiliated legions...

Steven MacMillan