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Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier

Europe today is a powder keg, and the leaders are like men smoking in an arsenal … A single spark will set off an explosion that will consume us all … Otto von Bismarck, Congress of Berlin, 1878. Just when you think the loons have...

Jim Dean

For Washington, Destroying Syria is a Bipartisan Agenda

With a new president coming into office, hopes for a break in the Syrian conflict are abound. However, these hopes are likely misplaced. Recent US designs for the destruction of Syria began unfolding, not during the administration...

Tony Cartalucci

“Rebel Unity” Fails Amid Aleppo’s Fall

What had once been called a “jewel of Syrian rebellion” by the West is now facing its collapse. Aleppo now stands to fall back to the Syrian government forces, and with is likely to come one of the biggest symbolic and territorial...

Salman Rafi Sheikh